Celery apple juice every day is the method used to detoxify the body in a most efficient way. When pressed add little pineapple to help water scented.
1 bunch of celery or 6 celery branch
3-4 green apples
1/2 pineapple
1 ginger is small as thumb
- Celery, apples washed. Pineapple peeled chopped.
- Apples without peeling, slice large. Celery also cut. Shaved ginger crust, cut into pieces
- Respectively for each type of material into compressor. Part of this material will give 3-4 glasses of juice. Juice done should drink right now is the best drink. If you want sweet, you can add a little sugar or honey as you wish.
Wish you have a good glass of celery juice, apple.
Refer: bepgiadinh
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