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Triffle strawberry sweet love

Written By Unknown on Monday, December 28, 2015 | 6:44 AM

By doing simple, does not need a dedicated baking tools you can also do delicious desserts and beautiful

Ingredients for 4 cups 250ml:

Part cake:

80gr cake gato
250gr fresh cream whipping cream
15 grams powdered sugar

Part of fruit:

400gr of strawberries
60 grams powdered sugar

Part creamy custard:

200ml milk
25gr corn flour
3 egg yolks
75gr sugar
2 tsp vanilla


Step 1:

Make custard cream: 1 cup milk until Reduce back, poured fresh milk into the boiler until the milk reaches approximately 70 degrees C, then add vanilla.

Step 2:

In a bowl, the egg yolks and sugar using electric mixer beat until the egg turns cream then slowly pour a little warm milk just to boil. Mark them up.

Step 3:

Sift the flour into the egg mixture and then in the mix. Pour the custard mixture into warm milk on the stove. Stir the mixture constantly for no clotted cream, add the remaining cold milk. Stir well, bring the mixture thickens, then pour out constant bowl and leave to cool.

Step 4:

Wash the strawberries, drain. Cut strawberries into 4 sections along then into a bowl, add the flour to sugar, soaked. Use clingwrap wrapped in the refrigerator overnight to get a bowl of delicious strawberries coated in sugar.

Step 5:

Cake cut into 2cm cubes size. Fresh whipped cream with powdered sugar.

Step 6:

Starting up a cake layer on the bottom of the cup, then add a few tablespoons of strawberry, continue to add a layer of sponge cake, custard cream into cream bag catch, catch the cream onto the cake layer.

Next is a layer of cream, then a layer of sponge cake, strawberry syrup, cream custard and fresh cream finish.

Fresh strawberries decorative glass surface.

You can substitute with ladyfinger cake if you like. Fruits can be flexible according to the season.
Trifle dessert is typical of England. It has many different formulas of alcoholic or non-alcoholic. This formula without alcohol so matching families with small children. The basic ingredients are: fruit, fruit juice, cakes, jelly, yogurt, whipped cream.

A trifle dish not necessarily have all the material on which just 2-3 is enough raw material. Basically, these materials will be layered over each other in order specialties below, dish liquid and softer above.

Wishing you success and satisfaction with this new dish!

Refer: ananas, image IF/trí thức trẻ


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