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Home » » Nicely with delicious baking potato gato

Nicely with delicious baking potato gato

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 19, 2015 | 8:31 AM

Cake gato is cake indispensable for birthdays, weddings ... are made from soft cakes and fresh cream outside beautifully decorated. Today will guide you how to make cakes new gato, other delicious potato. How do gato potato cake simple and not spend much time, and refer to the article below for details on how to do this cake.

Gato baking potatoes

To perform baking potato fastest gato, firstly you need to prepare the ingredients needed to baking potatoes gato as follows:

Ingredients potato cake gato

Potatoes: 1kg
Mozzarella: 150g
Eggs: 2 result
Ham: 150g
Parmesan cheese dough: 100g
Cheese Provola: 100g
Butter: 60g
Nutmeg powder: 30g
Spices: salt, pepper, flour Fried

Instructions how to bake potatoes gato

Below, are the steps how to bake delicious potato gato:

Step 1: Preliminary processing materials gato potato cakes

Potatoes washed, leave the basket and set aside to drain.
Small sliced cold meats separate disc.
Mozzarella cheese to drain you and you cut into small square pieces.
Provola cheese you also cut into small square pieces.
Small sliced avocado, set apart for the bowl.
Bowl beat egg.

Step 2: Make the potato cakes gato

The first step of the guide gato delicious cake, that's for potatoes in saucepan pour water to boiling on a stove.
When potatoes cooked take out and to drain and to cool, peeled off potato shells. Then the potatoes in a blender Pureed or cut small pieces, then use the spoon thorn chopped by hand.
When mashed potatoes into a large bowl to add powdered nutmeg, pepper, egg, salt, parmesan cheese and stir the ingredients on the Republic adhered together.

Step 3: Next step is gato baking potato, for mozzarella and provola cheese, ham into a bowl and mix well.
Then spreads a layer of cooking oil in a cake mold for cake prevent sticking. Then sprinkle with flour around molds ruffled fried bread. Next, pour the mixture, mixing a potato cake in the cake mold and spread out into the flour and rub smooth mold throughout the cake. 
Sprinkle all over face powder cake portion remaining parmesan cheese and pieces butter we've chopped
The last stage conducted baking: Let cake mold in the oven at 180 ° C temperature for 15 minutes, then continue baking for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees C.

Check when you take out the cake to cool before cutting into cubes or triangles and delicious enjoy it.

Refer: cachlam9

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